E 50E

Карточка оборудования
Наименование:E 50E
розничная цена:
6500руб. | оптовые цены
Ещё в Удлинители HDMI по витой паре, по эфиру, Усилители HDMI, Репитеры HDMI:

Ce-Link HCL 0101, Ce-Link E 30D, Ce-Link E 60, Ce-Link HRP0101, BigStar Ретранслятор HDMI BS-WHD01

Описание E 50E

Удлинитель HDMI сигнала 480p/1080р до 100/50 метров по одной "витой паре" UTP CAT-5e/6


This HDMI Extender has many features that enable it to perform in a superior manner. Among those features you will find:

1One pair as a full functional module, no need of setting.

2One piece of CAT-5e/6 cable can substitute HDMI cable to achieve long distance transmission.

3Follow the standard of IEEE-568B.

4Transmission distance can be up to 50 meters for 1080p using CAT-6 Cable.

5Auto-adjustment of feedback, equalization and amplify, the user does not need to care about the length of the cable.

6Compact size.

7Signaling rates up to1.65Gbps in support of 1080P display.

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